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From The Desk of Principal

"Dear All,At the very outset , I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers and staff members for their selfless contribution and hard work that you all put in everyday for the betterment of the students and this school. Dear teachers, you are an integral part of this institution and have always supported the institution’s vision and mission. I feel proud to be a part of such an elite school which has under its umbrella such great teachers who are forever ready to traverse beyond the classroom boundary .We all are a part of this prestigious institution due to our shared passion for the vision of the institution. Our passion unites us and our hard work strengthens the institution. I genuinely thank you all for being so cooperative and committed towards this institution.

A special note of thanks and gratitude for our patents who have always been supportive and cooperative in every endeavor of the school. I sincerely look forward to your support, suggestions and help from time to time in the days to come so that together we can make this school even bigger and better than what it is todayand give our students a healthy, creative and quality atmosphere for complete growth and development.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thank you